So many people ask me – “do I have to get styling done to sell my home”? And I honestly always struggle with the answer. The truth is, you will get so much more interest and competition from potential buyers that it’s absolutely making you more in the final sale price. But, it’s so hard to give you an exact figure that you can rationalise as a profit from the styling process.

I do have examples where another agent has tried to sell a house unsuccessfully where it was not styled, and then where I have been engaged to sell the property and we’ve made 10k’s and 100k’s more in the sale price so that’s where you can hear the stories and understand where that process has taken us before. Real estate is not a clear and finite “numbers game”, it’s a process in understanding the market and knowing what buyers are expecting with each unique property.

It’s not a simple process of spending a set amount to get a set amount back in the sale price. It’s about the agent being able to juggle all the pieces of the puzzle so you spend strategically to get the absolute best price in the sale.

Home styling is not just for the Million Dollar listings either. Some of the best results we’ve achieved with styling has been with the properties which are in the $250,000 – $900,000 range where have found $20,000 up to $100,000 extra in the sale price from preparation and styling.

If you have specific questions about styling and how it could benefit you in the sale of your home, please give me a call on 0458 912 906.