The Inner South of Brisbane with suburbs like Annerley, Tarragindi, Salisbury, Moorooka, Yeronga and Holland Park, is experiencing an unprecedented shortage of available properties for purchase, making it a golden opportunity for homeowners to consider selling their houses, townhouses, or units. The current market conditions present a favorable environment for sellers to capitalise on the scarcity of stock and potentially leave the transaction with extra cash in their pockets. In this blog post, we’ll explore why now is an excellent time to sell, especially for those looking to downsize, upsize, or relocate.

Brisbane’s Southside has seen a remarkable decrease in available housing stock. With fewer properties on the market, the demand for homes has surged, creating a competitive atmosphere among buyers. This scarcity has led to an upward trajectory in property prices, providing an advantageous setting for those considering selling their properties.

For homeowners looking to downsize, the current market conditions offer an ideal opportunity to capitalise on a buoyant market. Downsizing not only allows individuals to free up equity tied up in their current property but also positions them to take advantage of the high demand for smaller residences in the Inner South. With limited stock available, downsizers can command competitive prices for their properties, ensuring a financially lucrative transaction.

Contrary to the typical challenges associated with upsizing in a competitive market, the current conditions in the Inner South are favorable for those looking to move to a larger property. Many buyers are willing to accommodate sellers by allowing them to rent-back their own properties. This arrangement provides sellers with the flexibility to find a suitable new home while still residing in their current property during the transition period.

For those considering a move to another area, city, or even abroad, the current property market provides an excellent opportunity. Selling now means selling in a rising market, allowing homeowners to secure a deal before venturing onto their next chapter.

If you are contemplating taking advantage of the current property market, it’s crucial to have expert guidance. Whether you’re looking to downsize, upsize, or relocate, the buoyant market conditions offer financial advantages and flexibility. For more expert information, contact Kath Chown at 0458 912 906 or via email at